GKI Decarbonisation Project

The Great Barrier Reef Island communities are particularly vulnerable to the risks associated with Climate Change. Building capacity for resilience and sustainability within these communities is essential.
Woppa (Great Keppel Island) is located fifteen kilometres east of Rosslyn Bay, Yeppoon. The island is 1,450 hectares and is a valued, Queensland tourist destination. Whilst only home to fifty permanent residents, the island can experience daily visitation rates of up to a thousand across holiday seasons. The majority of the island is undeveloped and contains large tracts of bushland, a haven for native plants and animals. The island has seventeen beaches, which are protected by the surrounding reefs, making them very popular for swimming, snorkelling and paddling.
Following a Pilot program undertaken for Great Keppel Island as part of Great Barrier Reef Islands Decarbonisation by the Queensland Government in 2019, a number of recommendations were made to assist in achieving GKI decarbonisation. Funding provided by the Queensland Government enabled the implementation of three of these recommendations between July 2021 to April 2022, providing carbon emission savings at a low investment.
Livingstone Shire Council selected this Framework as a viable step to undertake as a suite of actions including an Education Campaign and the establishment of compost units across the island.
The Woppa Resilience Framework is a high level and collaborative document that provides an understanding of the key challenges and threats that the island faces as well as principles and opportunities for building resilience.
To guide and implement these principles for resilience, collaboration from the community, the private sector, the Council and all levels of government are required.
View the Community Resilience Framework Woppa (Great Keppel Island) here.
Great Keppel Island does not have a place for landfill. In an effort to recover waste and recycle organic materials, twenty-one Subpod units were distributed across the island for businesses and residents. At maximum capacity 32 760 litres of organic waste is saved per year with this composting system, which is equivalent to 7.5 years worth of electricity consumption saved for one household.
Bring your food scraps along to Council’s very own Subpod located in Beaman Park in the Main Street of Yeppoon. Council uses this to recover our food waste from the Hub. Feed the worms and help us make a rich compost that smells like earth and feels like magic.
Woppa (Great Keppel Island) is a beautiful, environmentally sensitive and spiritual place to visit. Watch this video made in collaboration with Appleton Studios to learn more about how you can help out on your next trip to the island to reduce your impact on the ecosystem.